This study was closed on April 23, 2020, and we will no longer be collecting or reviewing data from the SleepHealth App after that date. No new participants will be enrolled and the SleepHealth app is no longer available on the App Store. As study results and publications become available, they will be posted on this site and emailed to enrolled participants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I really need to complete all of the surveys and activities every single day?

A: No. We do not expect you to do this. The more you can do, the better. But we would rather have our users complete tasks in a way that they are comfortable with than drop out of the study.

Q: SleepHealth will not allow me to complete the consent process.

A: Some users have reported experiencing this error. We are aware of this and are currently looking into the causes. Un-installing and re-installing the app may resolve the issue. Alternatively, you can try to sign up again using a different email address. Please reach out to us at if this is happening to you. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Q: I am not receiving an activation link to verify my account.

A:We have seen that in some cases this link goes to your spam or junk folder. If you don’t see the link showing up in your inbox, please check these places next. You can re-send the link if you still can’t find it, but this will only work once every 24 hours. If none of these suggestions work, please reach out to for help.

Q: Can SleepHealth track my sleep in real time?

A: No, SleepHealth is not a consumer sleep tracking application. The dashboard report of hours slept per night is calculated using your survey responses, and is averaged over time. As such, the more days you complete surveys the better as this should provide a more accurate reflection of your sleep habits. SleepHealth is a mobile research study designed to help users learn more about their sleep habits. While SleepHealth has the capability of utilizing data from Apple HealthKit (and compatible consumer sleep monitoring devices), the app itself is not intended to track your sleep in real time. The app is designed to tap into multiple streams of wearable and non/wearable device data for the purpose of advancing research.

Q: Can I use SleepHealth on my iPad or iPod Touch?

A: Yes, you can. However some of the features of the app will not work correctly (e.g., the Personal Sleep Concierge will not allow you to send text messages). The app was designed and tested to be used primarily on iPhones (5S, 5C, 6 and 6+) running iOS 8 or later.

Q: Can the Alertness Checker activity be any shorter? Three minutes feels too long.

A: The full version of this task was 10 minutes in duration! Three minutes is actually an abridged version of the task. Unfortunately, we are unable to make this task any shorter and still collect useful research data.

Q: Can I connect my FitBit or other consumer wearable device to the app?

A: Data from the FitBit app cannot be directly shared with Apple HealthKit, which prevents it from shared with SleepHealth app. Third party applications exist which provide this functionality, but we cannot ensure the validity of said data at this time.

Q: I’m having issues with Nap Tracker on Apple Watch. What do I do?

A:Some users have reported experiencing this issue. We are looking into the cause but we do not have a definitive answer at this time. You can try using this feature on the iPhone. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Q: The font Is difficult to read. Is there a way to change it?

A: We apologize, but the app does not currently have this functionality. We are considering adding this capability in future versions of the app.

The SleepHealth app is brand new, and as such we understand that you may be experiencing bugs or notice that the app is not behaving exactly as intended. We also are aware that you might have feedback as to how the app can be improved or made more user friendly. We care about our users and want to ensure the best possible experience with the study. Please feel free to reach out. Use the links below to join the discussion in the forums. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and provide your feedback to the study team. We welcome any and all feedback, and we value your opinions.


The SleepHealth Study Team

call us toll-free at: 1-877-355-0119, or send an e-mail to